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Commando Action Adventure Commando Action Adventure Commando Magazine
Commando Action Adventure Commando Action Adventure Commando Magazine
Commando Magazine
0 Review | Añadir Reseñas
Suscripción anual: 104 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Reino Unido
€ 279,95
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Commando Action Adventure Suscripción

First published in 1961, Commando Magazine covers all the wars that have changed the face of the world. If you are someone that devours war fiction with a passion then ensure you have access to the Commando magazine. With historical details that can astonish you, features by the experts that provide you with hitherto unknown methods of analysis and all the details that make the wars appear as grand as they are incomprehensible, Commando magazine is the magazine for those with a zest for adventure and real-life stories from the wars. Their sources are authentic and the stories picked up from the most reliable of sources. Not just wars of the 20th century as far back as the Vikings conquests and the Romans’ conquest of Britain feature in this special magazine. Not just the implements, the strategies and the leaders, but also stories of soldiers and weaponry receive equal attention. Wars in the Asian continent including the Korean War and the Indo-Pak war find a mention in this magazine.

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