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Upstate Diary Magazine
Upstate Diary Magazine
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Suscripción anual: 2 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Estados Unidos
€ 59,95
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Upstate Diary Magazine Suscripción

Upstate Diary is a biannual magazine about home, art and nature, exploring the private worlds of artist and creators with lifestyles close to nature. Upstate Diary was initially launched in 2014 by Swedish photographer Kate Orne after she moved to New York; Orne felt curious and inspired by the passionate like-minded creatives around her. Many photographs and articles are created by herself featuring people that are part-time country folk, much like Orne once was. Each issue is crafted to reflect a specific subject featuring renowned creators and contributors. The publication looks at country living in a whole new way consisting of a line-up of interviews and focusing on creative minds.

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