Tribune Magazine

Tribune Magazine
Tribune Magazine

Suscripción anual: 4 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Reino Unido

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Tribune Magazine Suscripción

Tribune is Britain’s oldest democratic socialist publication ( established 1937) which offers left-wing perspectives on economics, politics and culture. It took a short break, but now its assets have been bought by the US journalist Bhaskar Sunkara who founded the news outlet Jacobin and who is planning on reviving the historic print. The Autumn 18 issue is the first issue since the magazine’s relaunch and it reflects on Tribune’s history, and explores its enduring importance in our current climate of capitalist and right-wing chaos. There are several great contributors, including Owen Jones, Grace Blakeley and Dawn Foster.

Suscríbase a Tribune Magazine.

Pida de forma segura y sencilla una suscripción a Tribune Magazine en Estamos especializados en la venta y entrega de revistas inglesas y americanas. Enviamos Tribune Magazine gratuitamente a su dirección española y no renovar nunca su suscripción automáticamente. Mucho antes de que finalice su periodo de suscripción le preguntaremos si desea prorrogarlo un año más.


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