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Tractor and Machinery Magazine Tractor and Machinery Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Tractor and Machinery Magazine Tractor and Machinery Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Tractor and Machinery Magazine
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Suscripción anual: 12 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Reino Unido
€ 157,50
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Tractor and Machinery Magazine Suscripción

Tractor & Machinery Magazine, the best selling magazine for those collecting, restoring or just passionate about farming equipment. Since 1994,Tractor & Machinery has given readers news and information about farming equipment for the beginner and for the experienced farming equipment enthusiast. For in-depth articles, news and reviews of equipment, read Tractor & Machinery first. Monthly, the magazine includes information on maintaining tractors and machinery, upcoming competitions, news on recently released models of machinery and techniques on rebuilding and restoring engines. There is even a section on horticultural equipment. Selling or purchasing? The monthly “Tractormart” section is the place to market you equipment. Look at the price guide included each month. Advertise for free if you are selling. Compare prices if you are buying.

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