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The American Conservative Magazine
The American Conservative Magazine
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Suscripción anual: 6 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Estados Unidos
€ 99,95
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The American Conservative Magazine Suscripción

The American Conservative is not like other publications that call themselves “conservative.” We adhere closely to our institutional maxim: ideas over ideology; principles over party. We were founded by eminent conservatives who were appalled by the sins, follies, and deceptions of neoconservatism: by the disastrous war in Iraq and compulsive meddling around the globe; by disrespect for the Bill of Rights; by the Washington-knows-best philosophy manifested in such centralizing laws as the No Child Left Behind Act; and by a “too big to fail” bias that privileged Wall Street over the small independent businesses, farms, and cooperative ventures that are the soul of the American economy.

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