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Smallholder Magazine
Smallholder Magazine
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Suscripción anual: 6 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Reino Unido
€ 64,95
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Smallholder Magazine Suscripción

The Smallholder is a reader’s guide to the world of poultry and organic farming. The magazine is one of the most widely read magazines not only in the United Kingdom from where it is published but also the world over. Having started out on a modest note in 1910,when it was published to invigorate matters concerning the attention of smallholders, farmers, gardeners, the magazine over the years have had developed by many folds and gone on to enjoy a position of much eminence now. The magazine apprises the people everything regarding to the domain of smallholding, crafting, poultry, livestock, and the welfare of horses, bees, and other domestic animals. Not only that, it also provides and suggests way and means of conservation of these domestic animals, delving much into genuine study and regular research work updates that are been done every day.

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