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Slanted Magazine (English Edition)
Slanted Magazine (English Edition)
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Suscripción anual: 2 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Alemania
€ 79,95
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Slanted Magazine (English Edition) Suscripción

Slanted is bi-annual 290 page book sized magazine all about typography (fonts) and graphic design it features art, photography, illustration, interviews and essays. Slanted also features additional interactive content. SLANTED is a weblog which has typography and design as its topic. The typography magazine SLANTED, in existence since 2005 and parallel to the weblog, is published quarterly and combines the sectors typography, layout, illustration and photography. It attends to the topics in greater detail and more intensive. Both blog and magazine encourage and call for a debate on these subjects as an experimental field. It is also about getting to know them, seeing them in a different light, and to reflect on them.

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