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New Eastern Europe Magazine (English Edition) New Eastern Europe Magazine (English Edition)
New Eastern Europe Magazine (English Edition) New Eastern Europe Magazine (English Edition)
New Eastern Europe Magazine (English Edition)
0 Review | Añadir Reseñas
Suscripción anual: 5 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Polonia
€ 57,50
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New Eastern Europe Magazine (English Edition) Suscripción

New Eastern Europe is a not-for-profit bimonthly magazine dedicated to providing its readers with up-to-date and insightful commentary, analysis and discussion on the issues relating to the region today. New Eastern Europe is the exclusive bimonthly news magazine dedicated to Central and Eastern European affairs. The editorial team is based in Krakow, Poland. With this, the mission of New Eastern Europe is to shape the debate, enhance understanding, and further the dialogue surrounding issues facing the states that were once a part of the Soviet Union or under its influence. It is not a scholarly journal, but takes a more journalistic approach with commentary/analysis from journalists, experts, analysts, writers, historians, as well as leaders and political figures from the East and the West.

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