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Holiday Magazine
Holiday Magazine
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Suscripción anual: 2 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Reino Unido
€ 99,95
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Holiday Magazine Suscripción

Between 1946 and 1977, Holiday was one of the most exciting magazines in the United States. Reknowned for its fun layout, its challenging choice of photographers, and the aura of its writers, Holiday was telling about the world like no other magazine. Sending a writer and a photographer to a singular destination, distant or nearby, and asking them to tell from their point of view without constraints of style, objectiveness or length. Nor budgetary limit. At the top of its game, the magazine had more than a million subscribers. Today, 37 years after, Holiday returns at the instigation of the Atelier Franck Durand. This new Holiday wants to capture the essence, the esthetic demands and the sense of journalistic adventure of its original version. A mixed magazine, blending fashion and reporting, Holiday remains demanding regarding both pictures and stories.

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