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Gettysburg Magazine
Gettysburg Magazine
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Suscripción anual: 2 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Estados Unidos
€ 79,95
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Gettysburg Magazine is a quarterly publication that focuses on the history of the Civil War and the Battle of Gettysburg. It is written by historians, authors, and experts in the field, and is designed to provide readers with an in-depth look at the events that took place during the war. Each issue contains articles, interviews, and photographs that bring the history of the battle to life.

  • In-depth articles written by historians, authors, and experts in the field.
  • Interviews with Civil War veterans and their descendants.
  • Photographs of the battlefield and artifacts from the war.
  • Stories of the people who fought in the battle.
  • Detailed maps of the battlefield and the surrounding area.

If you are interested in learning more about the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War, Gettysburg Magazine is the perfect publication for you. With its comprehensive coverage of the battle and its aftermath, it is sure to provide you with an in-depth look at the events that took place during the war. Subscribe now and get the latest issue delivered to your door!

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