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Little White Lies Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Little White Lies Magazine
Little White Lies Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Little White Lies Magazine
Little White Lies Magazine
0 Review | Añadir Reseñas
Suscripción anual: 5 Ejemplares | Lengua: Inglés | País: Reino Unido
€ 74,95
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Little White Lies Magazine Suscripción

Little White Lies Magazine is a pioneering film Magazine that combines beautiful design with the sharpest new writing to radically redefine the limits of popcorn culture. Recognising that movies don't exist in a vacuum, it embraces the totality of the cinematic experience, bringing together life, truth and movies. Little White Lies Magazine is a film and entertainment Magazine, coming with film reviews, film festival news, interviews, and much much more. Every issue of this Magazine will entertain anyone who loves films. Regular features include music, fashion, current events, travel, etc. With facscinating interviews with directors and stars alike, giving you all the detail about their aspirations, efforts and lines of thinking on variety of issues. If you love the films featured, you will love the interviews too.

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